




Reply to Cannot mimic fullscreen behavior when using custom event loop
I'm a GUI programmer for 40 years starting with C64 Geos. and GEM time. The approach you are taking is going to fail. We learned it so many times with so many attempts. It never was possible. Even Qt was not able to implement support for something that was a bit different (like BeOS or mobiles). And it got much worse now. We need some low case abstractions that does not a write once, run anymore. But instead write a bit everywhere, run well everywhere. Don't fight the native toolkit, embrace it. Find ways to abstract the business logic and business widgets. Then we would be a step ahead already in helping the porting. And C++ is a terrible choice. There is a reason why every system has it's own much more powerful object system (Java, C#, Objective-C, GObject). C++ is just not good enough with it's very static unflexible object system.
Jan ’25